Inviting a reviewer
Rights: Editor, Editor in Chief, Editorial secretary, Guest editor
Once a submission has been submitted and checked that it corresponds to the editorial line of the publication, the next step is to have it peer-reviewed. To do this, you will need to invite the reviewers.
On the submission management page, go to the ‘Reviewers’ tab.
Click the ‘Invite a reviewer’ button. Before selecting a reviewer, please read the ‘Guidelines’ tab. The authentication account is common to several platforms, so you need to use the existing account.
It is essential to avoid creating several accounts for the same user. To do this, check that the reviewer does not already have a reviewer account with the journal. In the ‘Known reviewers from the journal’ tab, enter the name of the reviewer in the ‘Filter reviewers’ box.
1. The reviewer already has a reviewer account on the journal’s website
If the reviewer already has a reviewer account, select their name to invite them to review the article.
2. The reviewer does not have an account on the journal’s website or has an account without review rights
If the name has not been found among the reviewers of the journal, click on the ‘New reviewer’ button in the bottom right-hand corner.
If the reviewer is unknown to the journal, enter their name or email address in the ‘Invite a known user’ field to check that they do not already have an account with the journal, but with other rights, or an account on another CCSD platform (i.e. that they have a HAL or Sciencesconf account).
Case 1. The account exists but has other rights
You can check beforehand in the list of users whether the account exists and what rights it has, and add reviewer rights to it. The reviewer will then automatically appear in the list when the search is performed in step 1.
Case 2. The reviewer has a CCSD account
If the reviewer has one or more CCSD accounts (on Hal, Sciencesconf, or another journal on Episciences), select the desired account. The email inviting the reviewer to review the submission will open.
An account for the reviewer will be created on the journal when the reviewer logs in to the site with their CCSD credentials using the link sent in the invitation (the reviewer does not need to create a new account).
Please note! If you skip this step, you will be creating a temporary account. The reviewer who logs in with their CCSD account will not be able to accept the review because the system will think they are a different person.
Case 3. The reviewer does not have a CCSD account
If the reviewer does not have a CCSD account, fill in the ‘Invite a new user’ form with their email address, full name and the language you wish to use for correspondence (English or French).
The invitation of a new user, previously unknown to the CCSD authentication service, allows the creation of a temporary account which the user can activate by creating an account on the journal's website using the link sent with the invitation.