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Managing bibliographical references

Rights: Administrator, Author, Editor, Editor in Chief, Editorial secretary

The ‘Episciences Citations’ application

Episciences has an application for extracting bibliographic references which is called ‘Episciences Citations’.

What is ‘Episciences Citations’?

The application automatically extracts and manually manages the bibliographic references contained in documents accepted for publication. Once validated, these references are displayed on the public pages of the documents/articles. They are also added to exports for CrossRef and ZbMath Open.

How it works

The application extracts bibliographic references from the document’s PDF using the Grobid (GeneRation Of BIbliographic Data) tool.


Here is an example of how references taken from an article are displayed (

References: example of a public display

Managing references

Only people with document management rights (i.e: administrator, author, editor, editor-in-chief, editorial secretary) have access to this function.

Manual modification of extracted references is available for documents with the status ‘Accepted - waiting for final publication’ or ‘Published’.

To check and modify references, go to the article management page.

In the ‘Bibliographic References’ tab, click on ‘Manage’.

References: Managing bibliographic references

The ‘Episciences Citations’ application opens in a new tab.

The interface has two distinct sections:

  • on the left, the PDF in preview mode ;
  • on the right, the references identified and extracted automatically by Grobid.

Episciences Citations

There are several possible actions:

  1. Accept all references
  2. Decline all references
  3. Edit a reference
  4. Add a reference
  5. Delete a reference
  6. Sort the references
  7. Extract references from PDF
  8. Import BibTeX

Accept all references

Click on the ‘Accept all references’ button. The ticks to the right of each reference will turn green. Click on ‘Save’.

Accept all references

Decline all references

Click on the ‘Decline all references’ button. The ticks to the right of each reference will be greyed out. Click on ‘Save’.

Decline all references

Edit a reference

To modify a reference, click on the ‘Edit’ button next to the reference.

The reference field can now be edited, allowing you to change the information. A dedicated field allows you to add the DOI of the document or a URL.

Edit a reference

Click on ‘Confirm’ to confirm the corrections.

The modified reference now appears in black and the tick changes to green to confirm the change.

Displaying a modified reference

You can change the reference again by clicking on ‘Edit’, as many times as necessary.

Then click on ‘Save’ to save the changes.

Add a reference

Automatic extraction may miss a reference or merge several references into one (see below).

Merging several references

In this case, the ‘Add reference’ option allows you to separate the merged references.

Click on the ‘Add reference’ button. A window opens with two fields to fill in: ‘Reference’ and ‘DOI, URL’. Note: for the URL to be clickable, it must begin with http or https.

Add a reference

Once you have filled in the reference fields, click on ‘Add reference’.

The new reference is added to the end of the list and automatically validated. The word ‘USER’ on a green background appears on the right-hand side of the reference, to distinguish it from references extracted from the PDF.

Displaying the new reference

Delete a reference

Grobid may not be able to extract a reference correctly or a reference may appear as a duplicate. In this case, it is possible to delete the incorrect or duplicate reference.

Click on ‘Remove references’.

Remove references

Select the references to be deleted by ticking the boxes to the right of the references.

Remove references: selection

To confirm the deletion of the selected references, click on ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page.

Sort the references

To move an accepted reference, click and hold the block and drag it up or down. Release the block at the desired location and click ‘Save’.

Confirm references

To validate your work on the references and return to the document management page, click on ‘Save’ and then close the ‘Episciences Citations’ tab.

To display the references on the document management page, you need to refresh the page.

Viewing references

Validated references are preceded by a green tick. This means that only these references will appear on the document’s public page.

Links (DOI, URL) added in the dedicated field are clickable.

Import BibTeX

On the document page, in the ‘Bibliographic References’ tab, click on ‘BibTeX import’.

BibTeX import

The ‘Episciences Citations’ application opens in a new tab. Click on the ‘Import BibTeX’ button at the top right: a window will open allowing you to load a .bibtex file.

Loading the BibTeX file

View references

The references are now visible in the ‘Bibliographic References’ tab on the document’s public page.

Public display of references